Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta

In the beginning, the forerunner of YPBSM was Mardawa Budaya which was founded in 1962 by the late Sasminto Dipura, one of the tad masters of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace. Then in 1976, due to greater public interest, another container was added, which was named Pamulangan Beksa Ngayogyakarta. Furthermore, in 1992 the two were merged into one foundation with the name Pamulangan Beksa Mardawa Budaya Foundation, which finally from this long journey, in 1998 crystallized into the Pamulangan Beksa Sas Minta Mardawa Foundation (YPBSM). The name change reflects how strong the dedication of the people behind this organization is. To establish a strong arts organization, several skills are needed, both technical and non-technical. So that what happens in an organization is a combination of various skills. The current existence of YPBSM cannot be separated from the figure of the late KRT Sas Minta Dipura (Rama Sas).

As the founder of the organization (from Mardawa Budaya to YPBSM), the figure of KRT Sas Minta Dipura fits the criteria of a leader. Apart from being an expert in the field of classical tad arts in the Yogyakarta style, Rama Sas is also an expert in creating the format (curriculum) of the organization he manages. So that in the process of implementing the learning directly or indirectly, they have applied the didactic concept in accordance with the times. Likewise in the transition of generations, personal Rama Sas is not the type of person who is selfish. The deceased diligently galvanized his students to continue the expertise he had. So that until now, even though Rama Sas has left, YPBSM's existence is still ongoing. Because at this time the YPBSM leaders are the students of Rama Sas who are very reliable in the field they are involved in. For this reason, as a form of respect and in memory of his services, the students immortalized the name Rama Sas in the name of the foundation, namely the Pamulangan Beksa Sas Minta Mardawa Foundation.

Unfortunately, the earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale that rocked Yogyakarta on May 27 2006 damaged several pendapa buildings and the YPBSM secretariat so that the foundation's activities were paralyzed. Fortunately, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta and Karta Pustaka Yogyakarta are also concerned about the condition of this foundation so that these two institutions provide a place for foundation training activities.

In May 2008, Pendapa and Pringgitan nDalem Pujokusuman were rebuilt with assistance from PT. BANK MANDIRI Persero Tbk., so that the foundation's activities and activities can resume, but routine staging activities for tour packages cannot be carried out until now because other equipment and financing cannot be obtained.

Currently, there are more than 250 students studying dance at Pamulangan Beksa Sas Minta Mardawa. It's not decreasing because it's always increasing every year. Therefore it is not wrong if YPBSM has several classes. In addition to separating male and female students, this division also includes tiered grade levels. Overall divided into 5 classes, with levels starting from class level 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, advanced class. Please note that the division between children and adults is based on age. As for the category of children is between 5-12 years old while for the adult category is aged 13 years and over.

The dance material provided was gradual, from basic to advanced. And of course for children and adults are also distinguished. Because the two have distinctly different abilities. In this case YPBSM has determined the material to be taught in each class and level. This material is permanent and there has been no change to date, for example for Tani Renggamataya it is always given to grade 1 adult girls and Tani Nawung Sekar for grade 1 girls. But there are exceptions for advanced. At this level, the material provided is not fixed, depending on the teacher and the needs of the stage.

YPBSM always opens opportunities for anyone who wants to learn to dance and join this foundation. Registration for new students opens at the end of the year (December) with a registration fee of IDR 200,000.00. For tuition fees each student is required to pay Rp. 75,000.00 per month. Of course this cost is not big when seen from the role and efforts of YPBSM in preserving Yogyakarta classical dance.

One thing to be proud of is the continuous collaboration with Shin Sakuma, a Japanese national, a former student from YPBSM. He plays an active role in organizing and implementing Yogyakarta style classical dance courses in Japan, using the same system as YPBSM. For this reason, almost every year YPBSM always visits Japan to see the learning activities there. Besides that, they also collaborate and perform together in that country. 

And the most important thing is that this collaboration is going well and has great benefits for the continuity of YPBSM and especially as a form of preserving Yogyakarta style classical dance.

YPBSM has also compiled lampshades of several classical Yogyakarta dances complete with well-recorded gendhing and gerongan practices, both for study materials and for performances, so that they can be useful for members and the general public. YPBSM students are not only citizens of Indonesia, especially Yogyakarta, but also come from out of town and even abroad, for example America, Holland, England, Belgium, Japan. ***

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Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 3/3)
Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 3/3)
Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 2/3)
Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 2/3)
Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 1/3)
Pelangi Jogja RBTV Eps. SENI BUDAYA - Yayasan Pamulangan Beksa Sasminta Mardawa (Part 1/3)