Temu Haryono, who is fondly called mBah Temu in the Blarangan hamlet, Sidorejo sub-district, Kapanewon Ponjong, Gunung Kidul district, is a tough and tenacious farmer. Apart from his daily life as a farmer, mBah Temu by the people of the Sidorejo sub-district was also entrusted with being the caretaker to look after the grave of Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro. The trust from the community and the responsibility placed on mBah Temu to care for the grave of Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro has been going on for more than 27 years. The sincerity and sincerity of his dedication is a form of dharma filial piety, working selflessly, faithfully serving the community.
as caretakers of the tomb, mBah Temu together with mBah Bedi as the Ro'is carried out a traditional ceremony known as Nyadran Ingkung Sewn. The nyadran traditional ceremony is held every 15 Ruwah in the Javanese year and is attended by the entire Blaranagan hamlet community, Sidorejo sub-district, Kapanewon Ponjong, Gunung Kidul district. According to Mr. Sidiq, the head of the Sidorejo village (interview: 8 September 2022) the Nyadran Ingkung Sewu ceremony was not only attended by members of the Blarangan hamlet community but also people outside the Sidorejo sub-district, and some even from Kulon Progo, Kebumen, Purworejo and Magelang districts. It is said that mBah Temu apart from being a caretaker for the grave of Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro, he is also a burrow well water distribution officer, who alternately drains and distributes water to the fields to the people who use it, so that the Sidorejo Lurah said that mBah Temu was not only his dedication to the community but the sacrifice is very extraordinary. At the age of 72, Mbah Temu remains diligent, organized, and tough in carrying out his obligations to drain water from the well, even though he has to walk 1-2 kilometers away. This sincere dedication and sacrifice is a role model for the people of the Blarangan dukuh in particular and the Sidorejo sub-district in general by recognizing and calling Mbah Temu a person who is lonely and selfless, busy ing gawe. That is the expression of the people of the Blarangan dukuh, Sidorejo sub-district, towards mBah Temu for the sacrifice of his energy and time.
The traditional ceremony of the Sadran/Nyadran tradition means that there is a relationship between humans and their ancestors which implies a sense of love and reciprocity for their ancestors (Marton°, et al. 2003: 23). Likewise, the traditional ceremony of the Nyadran Ingkung Sewu tradition was originally an expression of gratitude for the people of the Blarangan hamlet to God the Creator for the crops they obtained. This expression of gratitude is realized by holding the Earth Wudhuk Ingkung Alms, which in its development is called Nyadran Ingkung Sewn. The name Ingkung Sewu is because the people who took part in the nyadran/Ruwahan ceremony at the tomb of Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro each brought offerings containing ingkung. With the large number of ingkung brought to the nyadran/Ruwahan ceremony, it became known as the Nyadran Ingkung Sewu ceremony.
The job of caring for Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro's tomb which was carried out by mBah Temu from 1995 until now is not an easy job. Temu Haryono (mBah Temu) knows and realizes that he is not only aware of his environment, but also aware that Temu Haryono is part of the environment (Smita Prathita Sjahputri, 2009: 1179). In carrying out a job that is carried out with spiritual practice, there are many conditions and procedures that must be carried out, including voluntarily preparing uba rampe offerings which are a manifestation of gratitude and a symbol of a request to be offered to God Almighty, sincere and willing to provide any time at any time. to receive and deliver guests who come on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Raden Mas Tumenggung Djojodikromo Suseco Ludiro. Therefore, what Mbah Temu has done is sincere, selfless, and still has high spirits even though you don't get anything in return, the main goal is to preserve, caring for a traditional culture that teaches ethical, aesthetic, and logical values to all the people who own it so that life in the area is always harmonious, orderly and peaceful in their lives.In its development, the traditional ceremony of the Nyadran Ingkung Sewu tradition, which was originally carried out in the Javanese way, is now seven (7) ) the last year has been colored with dhikr prayers and even recitation. This is what adds to the strength and stability of inter-community relations that are harmonious, orderly, peaceful, tolerant, and educational.
As a response to the dedication and sacrifice of mBah Temu (Temu Haryono, born on March 3, 1950 in Yogyakarta), who has sincerely participated in preserving traditional culture for 27 years by taking care of the Nyadran Ingkang Sewu traditional ceremony in Blarangan hamlet, Sidorejo village, Kapanewon Ponjong, Gunungkidul district, so that indirectly with the continuation of the ceremony brought the Blarangan hamlet in particular and the Sidorejo sub-district in general to become a religious tourism destination. Temu Haryono is known by the local community as a person who is patient, polite, full of responsibility in carrying out his work. ***