Preservers and Performers of Traditional Traditions in the role of providers, preparers, and arrangers of ubarampe or srana (means) offerings (offerings) in several traditional ceremonies and traditions in the palace area and its surroundings. His role is often not well known by the wider community, even though his existence is relatively closely related to several traditional ceremonies and traditions, because his role is more behind the scenes. Sutilah Suhardjo Prawirowilogo was born in Yogyakarta on August 17, 1944 and currently resides in Kumendaman MJ. II No. 478 Mantrijeron Yogyakarta. As a royal courtier of the Yogyakarta Palace, Sutilah has experience as a provider and preparer of offerings for approximately 34 years, especially when serving during the reign of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Various experiences related to the intricacies of preparing, compounding, and arranging offerings have developed knowledge and understanding that are integrated with various practices and conditions of human life. Experience in dealing with various frictions, collisions, obstacles, and difficulties in the process of preparing and arranging offerings has opened up a broad map of knowledge about the components that are integrated with various types of offerings. Several types of offerings are currently being served by Sutilah, including Sego Gurih Komplit, Tumpeng Megono, Tumpeng Robyong, Bucalan Fruits, Jenang-jenangan and Snack Market, Sego Savory, Banana Ayu, Banana Kencono, and Yellow Rice and Kebuli Rice. Each offering requires an understanding of the quality and availability of raw materials, quality control in the process from start to finish, minimum requirements, as well as mandatory replacement of raw materials if there is a lack of prerequisites. Apart from that, the appearance of the form and the way of presentation, even the taste of the enjoyment of the offerings is a priority that must be maintained. In this context, there is no doubt about the expertise of Sutilah as a person or one of the components that supports and maintains the preservation of traditional ceremonies and traditions in Yogyakarta and its surroundings. Offerings or offerings are a kind of offering to the Lord through the intercession of ancestors who are considered relatively closer to human life in this world. The Javanese expression about jalma tan keno kirira, Gusti tan keno kinaya ngapa (humans cannot be guessed or suspected, God cannot be imagined or compared to anything) will provide a basis for understanding the logic of the Javanese mind. Thus, when offerings are closely attached to almost every traditional ceremony and tradition in society, each traditional ceremony also contains a prayer request for the salvation of this life or other requests. When the map of knowledge and understanding of the values and meanings of various types of offerings in traditional ceremonies has not been reduced by the times, in the past, the offerings were prepared and provided by the family or community who organized the traditional ceremony. However, at present, it is relatively rare to find people who have knowledge or understanding of the value and meaning of offerings in each traditional ceremony around the traditional ceremony organizers. Even though the existence of traditional ceremonies is relatively inseparable from the existence of offerings as a symbol of expressing hopes and prayers as the basis for the implementation of each of these traditional ceremonies for this life.
In the current development, traditional ceremonies can also be held without preparing offerings. With the implementation of traditional ceremonies without offerings as a support component, it can be understood that these traditional ceremonies are carried out without a foundation of prayer and hope that have been going on harmoniously for centuries. In this context, the role of the figure of Sutilah becomes very important in sustaining or supporting the implementation of traditional ceremonies. Offerings can be ordered from someone who still understands the value and meaning of offerings as well as someone who still knows how to prepare, arrange, and present offerings. Preservation of traditional ceremonies and traditions is closely related to figures who still retain maps of knowledge and understanding of the value and meaning of offerings, such as the figure of Sutilah. ***