Noto Sukamto

Noto Sukamto or Mbah Noto was born in Gunungkidul, December 31, 1932, currently living with his wife Sukinah in Padukuhan Petir B, RT 02-RW 02 Petir Village, Kapanewon Rongkop, Gunungkidul Regency. Mbah Noto is the 13th heir as the caretaker of Mbah Jobeh's Pettilasan. At the age of 50, he received an assignment from his parents, Somejo, to continue as caretaker of Mbah Jobeh's Petilasan Locks, with the intention that the Sadranan traditional ceremony, which was his ancestral heritage, could be preserved. The Nyadran or Sadranan traditional ceremony, which has been carried out for hundreds of years, is believed by some people, that if the ancestral heritage is not carried out, a drought will occur. Although in fact the traditional ceremony is a form of thanksgiving to God Almighty for the blessings that have been given to the community.
It is said that at first there were two local figures named Ki Kenthung and Nyi Kenthung who were always anxious to see that all the existing plants were dry and almost dead, which meant that the harvest would fail and could become pageblug, so the two of them did meditation/meditate praying to God so that the drying plants could saved. After praying a miracle happened, all the dry and almost dead plants suddenly turned green again even though there was no rain and the farmers were able to harvest abundant yields unlike the previous season. At that time Ki Kenthung felt grateful because his prayer was answered, the plants became all green or IJO KABEH. So since then a small hut used as a place to meditate is called petilahan Mbah Jobeh. Not even the Juru Kunci has dared to replace it except for Ki Kenthung's descendants and the people are always obedient in carrying out traditional ceremonies, so that the disaster will not happen again.



As a form of gratitude to God Almighty. then every Kliwon Thursday, when Ki Kenthung prays and is granted a pepeling, then it is used as a standard for carrying out the traditional sadranan ceremony with the wilujengan kenduri with special offerings or ubarampe, including Bongko Gudhe sejodo (stangkep), head and teklik (legs) of a goat, head and chicken claws and others, can be preserved until now, even received support from all members of the community and the government of the Petir Village. After the traditional ceremony of Mbah Jobeh's sadranan is finished and the farmers have harvested the rice, then on Thursday Pahing it is continued with the traditional ceremony of cleaning the village or apostlean.
As the caretaker since Ki Kenthung, it has been passed down from generation to generation to his successors, namely Ki Kendhil, Ki Besar, Ki Malanggati, Ki Tinolo, Ki Irononggo I, Ki Gotho, Ki Troniti, Ki Irononggo II, Ki Ironoyo, Ki Irontiko, Ki Somejo and so on. 13 Mbah Noto Sukamto. All Interpreters are from the descendants of Ki Kenthung. With the traditional Sadranan ceremony which is still sustainable, it is currently developing into a religious tourism object which is visited by many guests from outside the Petir Village.

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