Gedung RRI Yogyakarta

The Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Yogyakarta building is located at JI.Amat Jazuli No. 4, Kotabaru Yogyakarta is a Cultural Heritage Building based on the Decree of the Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia No. PM.89/PW.007/MKP/2011 concerning the designation of the RRI building as a cultural heritage building, and is a cultural heritage building ranked as the Special Region of Yogyakarta based on the Decree of the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number 274/KEP/2019 and the building is located in the Kotabaru Cultural Heritage Area based on the Decree of the Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number 186/KEP/2011, the building is currently the office of the RRI Public Broadcasting Institute RRI Building. This building was built around 1919 to house Dr. Yap Hong Tjoen (father of Dr. Yap Kie Tiong) founder of the first eye hospital in Yogyakarta, the RRI Building is the only building with an art deco architectural style in the Kotabaru cultural heritage area featuring a cube shape with a flat roof. Based on observations on old photos from the KITLV collection, at first this building was a residential building with an Indische architectural style, having a canopy roof with a lateral peak as an air vent. In 1951 this building was taken over by being purchased by the government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Information. Furthermore, around 1958 it was used as a place for news and broadcasting of Radio Republik Indonesia until now. The RRI building has the original layout of letter E, facing west onto Jalan Ahmad Jazuli. There was a change in function from residence to office, namely for RRI, the building was expanded to the east for studios and other supporting facilities. The shape of the building shows a colonial building with cubism style. This style, among others, is shown/seen from the farad in the form of a combination of columns and windows that immediately form vertical lines, dominating the shape of the building as a whole. The main door with a canopy of concrete. The door frame is decorated with trim, the door leaf is transparent. High floor, use the ladder trap. Sturdy binding, the bottom is covered with sand with a finish in the form of alternating lines. The ventilation above the window is in the form of vertical holes as an aesthetic element. The ceiling is in the form of exposed concrete, a flat roof of concrete forming a horizontal line.

The RRI Yogyakarta building is one of the contents of the Kota Baru Cultural Heritage Area as a residential area for urban residents who come from the European-Dutch group during the Dutch East Indies colonial government with the concept of a garden city, which consists of buildings of Indische architectural style. Settlements at this location are equipped with educational facilities, health facilities, religious facilities and green open space facilities and boulevards.

The settlement enclave in Kota Baru has a concentric radial layout with marked boulevards as the axis of the road network leading to open space. Mataram Boulevard (currently named Jalan Suroto) which originates from an open field (currently Kridosono Stadium) straight to the north, this road forms the boundary between the western and eastern regions in the Kota Baru area. The naming of road groups using the names of mountains (Merapi, Merbabu, Sindoro, Sumbing, Ungaran, Prau, Lawu, and Telomoyo) is contained in the 1925 City Map of Yogyakarta, scale 1:10,000. At this location initially only residential buildings were equipped with educational, worship and sports facilities.

The RRI Yogyakarta building is a part of the Kotabaru Cultural Heritage Area as a historical place related to the historical events of the Battle of Kota Baru 6-7 October 1945 in the form of incidents of armed contact between Japanese soldiers and Indonesian fighters as a result of failed negotiations to disarm Japanese troops in Yogyakarta. In that battle a number of Indonesian fighters died which were later enshrined in the names of the streets in this area, namely: Mataram Boulevard became JI. Suroto, Soembing Loan became JI. Sabirin, Sindoro Loan became JI. Supadi, Wilis Laan became JI. Sajiono, Kroonprins Loan became JI. Faridan M. Noto, Merapi Loan became JI. Sunaryo, Merbaboe Laan became JI. Pattimura, Oengaran Loan became JI. Taruna Ramli, Tjode Weg becomes Jl. Ahmad Jazuli, Jonouiere Boulevard becomes JI. Abu Bakar Ali, and Sport Boulevard- Sport Laan became JI. Yos Sudarso. This battle marked the surrender of the Japanese in Yogyakarta, which meant that the city of Yogyakarta was free from the hands of the Japanese army. This means that as a whole, from that moment on, Yogyakarta was absolutely under the control of the Republic of Indonesia. This battle became the first event that started the period of war for independence for several years later.***

Pendopo Gedung RRI Yogyakarta
Pendopo Gedung RRI Yogyakarta
Tampak Samping Gedung RRI Yogyakarta
Tampak Samping Gedung RRI Yogyakarta
Tampak Depan Gedung RRI Yogyakarta
Tampak Depan Gedung RRI Yogyakarta