Bangunan Balai Desa Kalurahan Sidoluhur, Kecamatan Godean, Sleman

The Sidoluhur Village Hall building was originally the private house of Mr. Harjosuwarno. He ran for the lurah election in 1946, but Mr. Wignyosudarmo won the lurah election. Then Mr Harjosuwarno sold his private house to the elected lurah Mr Wignyosudarmo. The house was eventually converted into the Village Hall/Kelurahan Office on December 5, 1947, and in that same year the 3 (three) old sub-districts namely Krajan, Berjo, and Tebon were merged into one, called Sidoluhur Village. In 1975 a spatial change was made from a residential house to a Village Office / Village Hall without changing the overall architectural form of the house.

Buildings and layouts that relatively still comply with Javanese architectural conventions, starting with the masquerade building (local name for kuncungan) at the very front, followed by buildings behind it in the form of pendhapa, pringgitan, dalem ageng, pawon, and gandhok kiwa. There is a new building to the right of the pendhapa and dalem ageng which is used as the Village Office, and a building to the left of the gandhok kiwa as a garage. On the west side of the pendhapa, there is an additional roof to connect the roof of the pendapa, which is used as a motorcycle parking area.

The building of the masquerade (kuncungan) is in the shape of a pyramid. On the 2 (two) cartwheels in the middle, there are 2 (two) anders that support the molo. The lower Ander is supported by carved cannabis. Marijuana itself is in the middle of the top side of the drag market. Above the rafters are given a roof of plywood boards according to the length of the rafters. All wood frames are polished. Vlam tile roof covering in glaze.

The pendhapa building is in the Joglo Lawakan architectural style, where the roof structure only consists of brunjung and penjuang. 4 (Four) saka gurus support the pamidhangan which consists of a series of 2 (two) long balustrades and 2 (two) retractable blandars. Under the pamidhangan is equipped with two long sunduk and two long sunduk (sunduk kili) which at the ends are manjing (enter) into the saka guru with a system of purus and holes. Right in the middle of the span between the two pamidhangans with the long suffix, a carved sesanten is installed to increase the rigidity of the relationship between the pamidhangan and the long sunduk, however, in the middle of the span between the panyelak blandar and the panyelak sunduk, no sesanten is installed. , so that the number of sesanten is only two. In the middle of the span are two long blandars connected by dhadha paesi (dhadha pesi / dhadha peksi) in the form of carved beams. Above the pamidhangan the outer and inner sides as well as above the dhadha paesi are equipped with stacked beams that form an inverted pyramid. The cavity formed between pamidhangan and dhadha paesi, and the blandar sings up towards the top is called uleng. The top of the uleng is usually covered with a ceiling made of boards. The arrangement of blocks on the outside of the pamidhangan is called blandar larlaran, while the arrangement of blocks on the inside and above the dhadha paesi is called blandar singup. The excess length of the ends of the long laran-laran fringes and the laran-laran fringes which are painted on each other is called dreadlocks. The dreadlocks between the top lar-laran boulder and the tar-laran boulder below are locked with a pritgantile ornate keben fruit, so it is often called kebenan. As for the series of long beams and the top panyelak as the support for the ends of the brunjung usuk, the skewer base, the brunjung skewer, and the brunjung base, do not have dreadlocks and are not called blandar lar laran but are called takir brunjung.

The ends of the brunjung tairs meet each other using a 45° verstek connection system. The mounting system for the pendhapa usuk is the ri gereh system (the position of the usuk is parallel to each other), as well as the methok position of the usuk, meaning that the wide cross-section of the usuk is above and below, and the thick (high) cross-section of the usuk is on the side. Blandar penjuang pendapa is supported by 12 (twelve) saka takers. Under the east side of the penjuang pendhapa plus wooden walls and glass, while on the 2 (two) saka penjuang pendhapa at the back (southern side) there are 2 (two) shoulders of dhanyang, which are generally the hallmark of traditional Javanese houses in Kotagede.

The pringgitan building that connects the front pendhapa with the ageng palace with a pyramid roof. There is a lower floor between the pendhapa and the pendhapa, so a board must be added in the middle of the floor span, so that the pringgitan and pendhapa floors are connected at one level.

The dalem ageng building has the same architectural form as the pendhapa, namely Joglo Lawakan, as well as the construction of pamidhangan, blandar lar-laran, blandar singup, prit gantil, number of sesanten, and the usuk system. The main difference is that the dhadha paesi dalem ageng is not carved, also the shape of the sesanten is different from that of the pendhapa although they have the same function. In accordance with the title dalem ageng, this joglo building has walls. On the north side there is one door and two windows, on the west and east there is one door each, while on the south side there is one door with two panel doors (called butterfly fighting), and two left-right windows with combination shutters. top blinds and panels, and bottom full panels. Because the size of the window is rather large, in the middle of the upper and lower side of the window sill, a vertical piece of wood is added to separate the shutters.

Gandhok Kiwa is to the west of Dalem Ageng with the form of a kampung roof with one front porch, in traditional Javanese architecture it is called kampung pacul gowang. There is an additional room in front of the gandhok kiwa which is used as a prayer room (musholla), as well as a new additional building in the form of an old village to the west of the gandhok kiwa which is used as a garage. On the east side of the pendhapa and dalem ageng buildings, a new building in the form of a jompongan village was added which functioned as the Sidoluhur Village office.

The building at the back is used as a kitchen/pawon, and between the kitchen and the dalem ageng it is separated by a long canal. The well located in front of the kitchen, and still functioning. ***

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